Population Dynamics and the Sustainable Development Goals
The APPG received written evidence from 23 people and organisations, and oral evidence from 14 expert witnesses.
Oral evidence:
Written evidence:
Corey Bradshaw, University of Adelaide - Human population reduction is not a quick fix for environmental problems
Scott Moreland, Futures Group - Improving access to family planning can promote food security in a changing climate
Robert Muggah, Ingarapé Institute - The end of war as we know it?
Robert Muggah, Ingarapé Institute - Deconstructing the fragile city: exploring insecurity, violence and resilience
Robert Muggah and Albert Souza Mulli, Ingarapé Institute - Rio tries counterinsurgency
Robert Muggah and Carlos Vilalta, Ingarapé Institute - Violent disorder in Ciudad Juarez: a spatial analysis of homicide
Marge Berer, Reproductive Health Matters - The sustainable development agenda and unmet need for sexual and reproductive health and rights
Cecilia Tacoli, IIED - Rural-urban migration and urban poverty
Edward Morgan - The interplay between population dynamics and climate change: the case of Kanungu District, Uganda
Roger Martin, Population Matters - Consultation on population dynamics in the post-2015 development agenda
Gordon McGranahan, IIED - Population dynamics, urbanisation and sustainable development: moving beyond counterproductive crisis narratives
Alan Young - Letter to the APPG on PDRH
Priya Deshingkar, University of Sussex - Migration and poverty and the implications for reproductive and sexual health in Ethiopia
John Hyde, Asian Forum of Parliamentarians on Population and Development (AFPPD) - Submission on behalf of AFPPD
Gemma Bowsher, Medsin - Submission on behalf of Medsin UK
Maya Unnithan, University of Sussex - Migrant women’s sexual and reproductive health and family planning
Oliver Dormon, Office for National Statistics (ONS) - Submission on behalf of ONS
Malcolm Potts, University of California, Berkeley and OASIS - The interplay between population dynamics and conflict
Riva Eskinazi, International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) - Submission on behalf of IPPF
Sarah Fisher, Population and Sustainability Network (PSN) and Population & Sustainable Development Alliance (PSDA) - Joint submission on behalf of PSN and PSDA
Jonas Ardo, Lund University - Assessing socio-ecological vulnerability in Sahel: effects of the interplay between population growth and climate change
Jonas Ardo, Lund University - Future per capita availability of net primary production in rural Sahel: potential effects of the interplay between population growth and climate change
Daniel Schensul, UNFPA - Submission on behalf of UNFPA
Bethan Cobley, Marie Stopes International - Population dynamics in the post-2015 development agenda
Kate Horstead, Age International - Submission on behalf of Age International and HelpAge
Royal Society - Submission on behalf of the Royal Society
Joseph Assan, Brandeis University - Urbanisation, migration and the experiences of young internal migrants working in the urban food markets of Ghana
Related items:
People and the Planet (The Royal Society)
SRHR are Key to Global Development: The Case for Ramping Up Investment (Sneha Barot, Guttmacher Institute)
Understanding Syria: From Pre-Civil War to Post-Assad (William R. Polk, The Atlantic)