Our Mission
Our aim is to ensure the full implementation of the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) Programme of Action to achieve universal access to SRHR and Sustainable Development.
To raise the profile of population issues, and sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR), including family planning, in Parliament and internationally
To provide parliamentary backing to the Secretary of State for Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Affairs in his/her negotiations with the Treasury, in order to restore the UK Official Development Assistance (ODA) to 0.7% of Gross National Income (GNI) and to increase the allocations to the ICPD Programme of Action to 10% of the ODA
To keep under review population trends and SRHR programmes, policies and legislation nationally and internationally
To assess how the UK might respond to requests from outside for support (in consultation with UK Government departments, international agencies, foundation and NGOs) and to press for action by Parliament and the UK Government
To study the results of research into the causes and consequences of population changes and the effect that access to comprehensive SRHR services has on population and to draw these to the attention of both Houses of Parliament
To increase awareness of the interdependence between countries, with reference to poverty reduction, women’s equality, access to SRHR services, environment, consumption, pollution and the impact of legislation, policies and practices of one country upon others